Debate: Towards a Cohesive and Contextualised Response: When is it necessary to distinguish between forced labour, trafficking in persons and slavery?


  • Marja Paavilainen



In my view, the answer to the debate question of whether it is necessary to distinguish between forced labour, trafficking and slavery depends on the context. Therefore the focus should instead be on identifying when it is necessary to distinguish and when it is not required. Furthermore, an essential follow-up is the question of how we can prevent and address these different forms of coercion in a coherent manner.


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Author Biography

Marja Paavilainen

Marja Paavilainen is the Chief Technical Adviser of the International Labour Organization (ILO) Forced Labour Action in the Asian Region (FLARE) project. Marja has eight years of experience with the ILO in East and Southeast Asia in the field of fundamental principles and rights at work. Marja holds a BA of Laws and an MA of Social Sciences from the University of Helsinki, Finland.




How to Cite

Paavilainen, M. (2015). Debate: Towards a Cohesive and Contextualised Response: When is it necessary to distinguish between forced labour, trafficking in persons and slavery?. Anti-Trafficking Review, (5).