Call Me by My Name


  • Sarah Elliott



Response to the ATR Debate Proposition: ‘It is important and necessary to make clear distinctions between (irregular) migrants, refugees and trafficked persons.’

The image of rubber dinghies densely packed with people floating precariously in the Mediterranean Sea has become a symbol of our times. Among those in peril are persons who may have fled conflict, others who have left poverty and many who have suffered exploitation en route. Upon arrival, states are obliged to meet their immediate needs and to determine for what reasons they came, thereby identifying their rights under international and domestic law.


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Author Biography

Sarah Elliott

Sarah Elliott is a legal officer at the UNHCR. She specialises in the fields of refugee law, migration studies and international criminal law, and the application of these frameworks to human trafficking and migrant smuggling. Her previous work at the UNHCR included implementing counter-trafficking programmes in partnership with the UNODC, UNICEF, UNFPA and IOM in Sudan. She was also instrumental in developing institutional policy guidance on counter-trafficking prevention and response initiatives within UNHCR’s Asylum and Migration Unit, Division of International Protection. The views expressed here are the author’s and do not represent the position of the UNHCR.




How to Cite

Elliott, S. (2018). Call Me by My Name. Anti-Trafficking Review, (11).