Trafficker Profile According to US Federal Prosecutions


  • Alyssa Currier Wheeler



This article presents data on defendants in US federal human trafficking prosecutions between 2000 and 2020. Through an exhaustive analysis of court documents, press releases, and news articles, it shows who is implicated in trafficking crimes, how they are connected to their victims, and at what point they become traffickers. It concludes that, while there is no universal trafficker profile, traffickers often exploit a position of trust with their victims, either by taking advantage of a child’s age or by employing coercive tactics. Cycles of such exploitation can even lead victims to begin abusing other victims.


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Author Biography

Alyssa Currier Wheeler

Alyssa Currier Wheeler is a co-author of the 2020 Federal Human Trafficking Report. Formerly, she led Human Trafficking Institute’s strategic litigation, directed the legal fellowship programme, and served as HTI’s special counsel in Kampala, Uganda. Prior to joining HTI, Currier Wheeler was a Legal Fellow at the UN High Commissioner for Refugees in Washington, DC. She holds a JD from The George Washington University Law School.




How to Cite

Currier Wheeler, A. (2022). Trafficker Profile According to US Federal Prosecutions. Anti-Trafficking Review, (18), 185–189.