How I as a Fundraiser Would Use Twenty Million Dollars for Anti-Trafficking Work


  • Kiran Gupta



Representations of human trafficking in film and media have widely missed the mark by misinforming the public and funders and harming those with lived experience. This has real implications for the anti-trafficking movement, including a lack of sufficient financial support for victim services and the failure to implement long-term systemic change. To change this, this article argues that we must invest in narrative change around human trafficking, under the leadership of those with lived experience. If done well, this could potentially bring additional funding for services by reaching the wider public, and even move the needle on trafficking prevention.


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Author Biography

Kiran Gupta

Kiran Gupta is Associate Director of Strategic Funding and Communications at the Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking (Cast) in Los Angeles, USA, where she oversees public and private grant funding and external communications. Her professional experience is in high-value fundraising and communications for human rights organisations in the US and the UK. Kiran’s academic background is in Communications and International Relations, and she is a board member at New Internationalist magazine. Email:




How to Cite

Gupta, K. (2024). How I as a Fundraiser Would Use Twenty Million Dollars for Anti-Trafficking Work. Anti-Trafficking Review, (23), 125–131.