No. 22 (2024): Special Issue - Armed Conflicts: Migration, Trafficking, and Labour Markets

Guest Editor: Mónica Hurtado
Highly militarised and violent contexts (HMVC), like international wars, military dictatorships, armed insurgencies, or the presence of organised crime groups, devastate people’s livelihoods, disrupt social order and heighten the risks of forced displacement, exploitation, and human trafficking. With over 110 million people forcibly displaced and 2 billion living in conflict-affected areas, this Special Issue of Anti-Trafficking Review arrives at a critical time.
The seven articles, which focus on The Philippines, Ukraine, the Sahel, Nigeria, Mexico, and Colombia, provide new empirical insights into the links between HMVC, trafficking, and precarious migration and labour. They offer important recommendations to governments, policymakers, and civil society on protecting the rights and wellbeing of people who flee, or choose to remain in such contexts.